
Training and education in implant dentistry: for dentists, dental technicians and oral/maxillofacial surgeons

We develop high-quality, practical solutions in implant dentistry and share our in-depth knowledge through our events. We have become one of the largest training providers in dentistry. Our aim is to keep Camlog customers up to date in the area of implant dentistry. For this purpose, we have compiled an excellent pool of speakers. Your satisfaction is our motivation! See for yourself and explore our training opportunities.


Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Baden-Baden, Germany
Dr. med. dent. S. Marcus Beschnidt
Wimsheim, Germany
Dr. med. dent. Frederic Hermann, M.Sc.
Thomas Schibler
Vienna, Austria
Dr. med. dent. S. Marcus Beschnidt
PD Dr. Dr. Rudolf Seemann