02 THE NEW COMFORT CLASS. With the COMFOUR ™ System, you can offer your edentulous pa- tients the option of immediate, comfortable and permanent den- tures on four or six implants as a rule – and thus a considerable gain in quality of life. It also means considerably greater comfort and free- dom for the clinician. COMFOUR ™ opens up several treatment concepts. In addition to occlusal screw-retained bridges for immediate and delayed resto- rations, the multi-optional system also permits bar and single-tooth restorations on straight and angled bar abutments. COMFOUR ™ offers you a range of options to master the challenges in practice routine easier and saves time. In addition to its versatility, the COMFOUR ™ Abutment system ex- cels through its lean design in particular. All components are of lean and low design, which simplifies prosthetic restorations con- siderably for dentists and dental technicians. In addition, a number of technical highlights ensure that COMFOUR ™ is not simply just a name, but also a program – for users and patients alike. The COMFOUR ™ System