Science and Practice
In this area you can find scientific documentation, off-prints and case reports about Camlog products. Please be aware that the reprints and illustrations are copyright protected. Any use that is outside the limits defined by copyright law is not permitted without the permission of the publisher and authors concerned.

Initial stability after placement of a new buttress-threaded implant
implants journal 2019

Retrospective analysis of cases treated with iSy Implants in three dental practices: one-year follow-up
ZZI 2015

Preservation of crestal bone level at non-submerged CAMLOG titanium implants with standard or platform switched confi guration
2009, CAMLOG

Implant Placement and Immediate Final Rehabilitation
EDI Journal 2009, Teamwork Media

Functional Evaluation of Screw Implants in Combination with Reduced-diameter Abutments
EDI Journal 2009, Teamwork Media

Augmentation Techniques – the Basis of Aesthetic Success in Implant Dentistry
EDI Journal, Teamwork Media

Immediate implant placement in compromised posterior maxillary region with CONELOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE
Case report 09/2021

Successful immediate loading of a PROGRESSIVE-LINE implant with Guided Surgery and Socket Shield Technique
Case report 03/2021

Digital efficiency for the benefit of patients transforming your workflow with PROGRESSIV-LINE
Case report 01/2021

Low invasiveness with CAMLOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE even in low bone density and low bone height
Case report 01/2021