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LIFESTYLE 32 misunderstanding because the important non-verbal signals are missing. The poten- tial omnipresence of communication tools also has a certain addictive element. Many people now nd it dif cult to go a day without communicating via the internet. A factor that should not be underestimat- ed is how this has simpli ed daily life, however. This new type of communication opens up new opportunities for people to work and to live. It has fundamentally enabled people to be close over great distances and to experience things to- gether. People no longer lose sight of one another and friendships can be cultivated more intensively or even maintained from one side of the world to the other. For all the positives and negatives, the de- velopment cannot be stopped but there has been no technology to date that has been able to replace the personal conver- sation. 1 azin, Titel Vorname Nachname Praxis/Labor Straße PLZ/Ort Telefon Telefax E-Mail