DEDICAM Product Catalog

84 DEDICAM Product Catalog 2019 Anatomical crowns and bridges up to 16 units, with a maximum of two pontics between the natural stumps/abutments, are supplied sintered Material: IPS e.max ZirCAD MT/LT (zirconium oxide, monochromatic) PROSTHETICS (anatomical) Crowns and anatomical bridges LT BL LT A1 LT A2 LT A3 LT B1 LT B2 LT C2 LT D3 LT 0 LT 1 LT 2 LT 3 LT 4 T A1 T A2 T A3 T B1 T B T C2 T D A1 A2 A3 B1 B C2 D Anatomical crowns two degrees of translucency are available for perfect esthetic results, supplied in the metasilicate phase "blue crown", crystallization firing required Material: IPS e.max CAD (lithium disilicate glass ceramic) LT A1 LT BL1 LT A2 LT BL2 LT A3 LT BL3 LT BL4 LT A4 LT A3.5 LT B1 LT B2 LT B3 LT B4 LT C1 LT C2 LT C3 LT C4 LT D2 LT D3 LT D4 HT A1 HT BL1 HT A2 HT BL2 HT A3 HT BL3 HT BL4 HT A4 HT A3.5 HT B1 HT B2 HT B3 HT B4 HT C1 HT C2 HT C3 HT C4 HT D2 HT D3 HT D4 Telio ® C Polymethyl methacry Polymethylmethacryl B 55 B 40 L LT (Low Translucency) Telio ® CAD Polymethyl methacr late Polymethylmethacrylat Shade Indica Tempor tempor correct Tempor Inplanta Kieferg A–D A1 B 55 B 40 L LT (Low Translucency) MT = medium translucency LT = low translucency BL = Bleach Multi = medium translucency, with color gradient BL = Bleach HT = high translucency , LT = low translucency, BL = bleach Material: IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Multi (zirconium oxide, polychromatic)