CAMLOG and Science

CAMLOG&Science – References 32 | 33 Becker J, Schwarz F, Kirsch A. (2006) Verbesserung der marginalen Knochenadaption durch das neue Promote ® plus Design. Logo 6;15-17 Becker J, Ferrari D, Herten M, Kirsch A, Schaer A, Schwarz F. (2007) Influence of platform switching on crestal bone changes at non-submerged titanium implants: a histomorphometrical study in dogs. J Clin Perio-dontol 34 (12):1089–96 Becker J, Ferrari D, Mihatovic I, Sahm N, Schaer A, Schwarz F. (2009) Stability of crestal bone level at platform-switched non-submerged titanium implants: a histomorphometrical study in dogs. J Clin Periodontol 36(6): 532-9 Becker K, Mihatovic I, Golubovic V, Schwarz F. (2012) Impact of abutment material and dis-/re-connection on soft and hard tissue changes at implants with platform-switching. J Clin Periodontol 39(8): 774-80 Beuer F, Stawarczyk B, Tholey M. (2011) Zirkonoxid-Konsens. Eine Verabeitungsanleitung für Zirkonoxid: Die Ergebnisse der CAD 4 practice Expertenrunde. Teamwork J Cont Dent Educ 2, 210-16 Buser D, Ingmarsson S, Dula K, Lussi A, Hirt HP, Belser UC. (2002) Long-term stability of osseointegrated implants in augmented bone: A 5-year prospective study in partially edentulous patients. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 22(2): 108-17 De Lange GL, Randelzhofer P, Sipos P, de Bruyn M, Both CJ. (2010) Survival and risks of immediately placed anterior implants, Poster 19th Annual Scientific Meeting EAO Glasgow, October 6-9, 2010 Dittmer S, Dittmer MP, Kohorst P, Jendras M, Borchers L, Stie- sch M. (2011) Effect of implant-abutment connection design on load bearing capacity and failure mode of implants. J Prosthodont 20(7): 510-6 Edinger D, Kahler E, Hilgers R. (2007) Untersuchung der Rotationspass- genauigkeit. BDIZ EDI konkret 2: 68-71 Franchini I, Capelli M, Fumagalli L, Parenti A, Testori T. (2011) Multi- center retrospective analysis of 201 consecutively placed Camlog dental implants. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 31(3): 255-63 Gross M, Abramovich I, Weiss E. I. (1999) Microleakage at the abut- ment-implant Interface of Osseointegrated Implants: A Comparative Study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 14(1): 94-100 Harder S, Quabius ES, Ossenkop L, Kern M. (2012) Assessment of lipo- polysaccharide microleakage at conical implant-abutment connections. Clin Oral Investig;16(5): 1377-84 Jansen VK, Conrads G, Richter EJ. (1995) Untersuchungen zur Dich- tigkeit der Implantat-Prothetikpfosten-Verbindung. Implantologie 3: 229-47 Jansen VK, Conrads G, Richter EJ. (1997) Microbial leakage and marginal fit of the implant-abutment interface. Int J Oral Maxillofac Im- plants 12(4): 527-40 Karabuda C, Yaltirik M, Bayraktar M. (2008) A clinical comparison of prosthetic complications of implant-supported overdentures with different attachment systems. Implant Dent 17(1): 74-81 Krennmair G, Weinländer M, Krainhöfner M, Piehslinger E. (2006a) Implantatgetragene Deckprothesen im Unterkiefer auf Kugelgeschieben oder Teleskopkronen – eine prospektive Dreijahresstudie. Implantologie 14: 35-43 Krennmair G, Weinländer M, Krainhöfner M, Piehslinger E. (2006b) Implant-supported mandibular overdentures retained with ball or telescopic crown attachments: a 3-year prospective study. Int J Prosthodont 19(2): 164-70 Krennmair G, Krainhöfner M, Piehslinger E. (2007) Implant-supported mandibular overdentures retained with a milled bar: A retrospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 22(6): 987-94 Krennmair G, Krainhöfner M, Piehslinger E. (2008a) Retrospektive Vergleichstudie zu implantatgetragenen Oberkieferdeckprothesen auf ge- frästen Stegen. Implantologie 16(3): 287-98 Krennmair G, Krainhöfner M, Piehslinger E. (2008b) Implant-sup- ported maxillary overdentures retained with milled bars: maxillary anterior versus maxillary posterior concept – a retrospective study. Int J Oral Maxil- lofac Implants 23(2): 343-52 Krennmair G, Krainhöfner M, Piehslinger E. (2008c) The influence of bar design (round versus milled bar) on prosthodontic maintenance of mandibular overdentures supported by 4 implants: A 5-year prospective study. Int J Prosthodont 21(6): 514-20 Krennmair G, Seemann R, Schmidinger S, Ewers R, Piehslinger E. (2010) Clinical outcome of root-shaped dental implants of various diameters: 5-year results. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 25(2): 357-66 COMPLETE LIST OF REFERENCES