Science and Practice

In this area you can find scientific documentation, off-prints and case reports about Camlog products. Please be aware that the reprints and illustrations are copyright protected. Any use that is outside the limits defined by copyright law is not permitted without the permission of the publisher and authors concerned.

Case reports
Casas T., France

Digital workflow in Implantology. Planning of implant prosthetics,
extraction, implantation and provisionalisation for a fractured tooth
Case report 10/2020

Case reports
Scaringi R., Viera D. & Nannelli M., Italy

Ceramic implants: an alternative or a primary choice? Clinical aspects and operating procedures
Case report 09/2020

Case reports
Hermann F. M.Sc., Germany

Efficient and tissue-friendly restauration with platform switched CAMLOG® Ti Base CAD/CAM PS
Case report 05/2020

Case reports
Hammächer C., Germany

Immediate implantation in the aesthetically challenging region
Case report 01/2019
X.J7237.03/2019 Rev.00

Case reports
Steidl F., Schuldes S.

Steidl F, Schuldes S.
Immediate restoration of an upper jaw with four implants using the COMFOUR® System. Special issue: Partner Magazine logo (36).
CAMLOG Case report 04/2016

Case reports
Finotti M.

Prosthetic rehabilitation with bimaxillary implant-supported fixed dental prostheses using the CAMLOG Vario SR System
CAMLOG case report 2013

Case reports
Happe A, Nolte A.

Immediate Iimplantation and full-ceramic restoration in the maxillary anterior region
CONELOG Case Report 2013

Case reports
Seiler M. et al.

Rehabilitation in the esthetic zone
CONELOG Case report 2012

Case reports
Minagawa H.

Oral rehablilitation with CAMLOG Implants after loss of dentition due to an accident
CAMLOG Case report 2011

Case reports
Randelzhofer P.

Replacement of a single front tooth, surgical procedure and three-year result
CAMLOG Case report 2011