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Over 2.600 clinicians attended the SEPA

SEPA - Oral Reconstruction Foundation Regenerative Symposium


As part of the Sepa OnAir2020 Congress, the Oral Reconstruction Foundation held on 30-31 October 2020 a virtual Regenerative Symposium. The event brought together leading international experts in the field of regenerative surgery, to celebrate a series of practical and educational activities. This Gold Symposium, a cooperation between SEPA and the Oral Reconstruction Foundation with the support of Biohorizons Camlog, had distinguishing features that made it an extraordinary event.

On Saturday, 31 October , world-class experts offered virtual master sessions featuring novel regenerative concepts for soft tissue augmentation and improved healing. This event was and simultaneously translated from English into Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese.

The overview of the program included Dr Juan Blanco focusing on the biological aspects of new soft tissue augmentation materials followed by a presentation on the biological and clinical rationale behind the use of these innovative materials in daily practice based on the latest research results, presented by Dr. Anton Sculean. Afterwards, Dr. Andres Pascual presented clinical cases showcasing the indications and step-by-step procedures applying a novel regenerative porcine acellular dermal matrix, performed by Dr. Andrés Pascual. This  was followed by an extensive expert discussion moderated by Dr. Mariano Sanz, where Drs. Gerhard Iglhaut, Ronald Jung and Marc Quirynen shared their expertise on soft tissue augmentation and the state of the art for the different indications and the role of the new biomaterials.

An innovative addition to this symposium was the celebration of concurrent hands-on workshops in Lisbon, Madrid, and Barcelona on Friday 30 October. Under the supervision of Drs. Juan Blanco and Olalla Argibay, who were virtually connected from Santiago de Compostela, and with the support of local instructors to include Dr. Susana de Noronha in Lisbon, Dr. Andrés Pascual in Barcelona and Dr. Ignacio Sanz in Madrid,  the attendees followed a live-surgery by Dr. Juan Blanco andwere trained on soft tissue augmentation around implants with the novel porcine acellular dermal matrix. Virtual participation in this hand-on workshop was also possible to a limited number of participants.