Science and Practice
In this area you can find scientific documentation, off-prints and case reports about Camlog products. Please be aware that the reprints and illustrations are copyright protected. Any use that is outside the limits defined by copyright law is not permitted without the permission of the publisher and authors concerned.
Fullarch reconstuction of the edentulous maxilla with the CAMLOG GUIDE SYSTEM
CAMLOG Case report 2011
The esthetic zone, rehabilitation of an edentulous space in an upper jaw front with pronounced transversal atrophy of the alveolar process using single crowns on CAMLOG implants
CAMLOG Case report 2010
The early abutment technique, combination of optimum tissue retention with maximum patient comfort
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Implant replacement of a fracurated incisor, management of a complex esthetic situation using CAMLOG SCREW-LINE implants
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Minimally invasive immediate implantation in region 22, using a combined soft-tissue graft
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Interdisciplinary treatment planning single-tooth restorations in the esthetic zone
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Immediate loading in the edentulous mandible, surgical, prosthetic and laboratory procedures with screw-retained prosthetics
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Systematic implant prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with generalized aggressive periodontitis
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Implant navigation with the implant technique insevere bone atrophy, team planning for predictable results
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Immediate single implant with screw-retained immediate restoration, mastering esthetic risk situations by using CAMLOG SCREW-LINE implants
CAMLOG Case report 2010